

Margin Trading using Ethereum

以太坊由 Vitalik Buterin 於 2015 年發明。目的是創建一個性能超越比特幣支付功能的平台。以太坊是一個使用智能合約實現分佈式應用程序(Dapps)的項目。智能合約是一種通過在區塊鏈上編碼來自動執行合約的機制,預計不僅有助於加密貨幣的匯款,還有助於提高各個領域的運營效率。程序員通過在網絡上構建 Dapps 進行開發,用於各種目的,例如去中心化金融 (Defi) 中的借貸、藝術品和數字產品的代幣化 (NFT)、官方文件的保護等。以太坊是 DeFi 領域的一部分,投資者(個人和企業)在所有智能合約中投資超過 800 億美元。


以太坊的貨幣,稱為以太幣。以太幣用於支付以太坊網絡上的交易費用。 在以太坊網絡上開發智能合約的 Dapp 開發人員,或在網絡上執行的每筆交易,都必須以以太幣支付費用,才能讓網絡的驗證者驗證交易。 這也稱為gas費用,費用根據網絡或智能合約的擁堵情況而有所不同。


After Bitcoin, Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalisation with several other ERC20 tokens built on top of it. Its average daily trading volume is $35 billion USD – making it very liquid for trading. As Ethereum is the choice platform for most DeFi applications, it continues to grow in popularity as more platforms build on it.


就像比特幣一樣,以太坊交易市場每週 7 天、每天 24 小時開放,包括公共假期。 以太坊區塊瀏覽器可以為交易者提供有關代幣和以太坊本身當前走勢的很多見解。隨著複雜應用需求的增加,也可以從此預測以太坊價格的波動。




Overbit讓您使用槓桿交易以太坊。您可以在市場上漲或下跌時交易以太坊以獲利。借助槓桿,讓您大幅度的節省交易成本,可更充分利用存在交易所內的資金。假設以太坊價格為 2,000 美元,您預計它會在幾天內上升到 2,500 美元而您希望以50倍的槓桿購買25個以太幣。

您的保證金要求是 1/50 x 2,000 美元 x 25 = 1,000 美元。


If the market increases to 2,500 USD – then your profit is 500 * 25 = $12,500. However, if the Ethereum price goes down by 40 USD down to 1,960 USD then you would lose your entire 1,000 USD.

如果您預計以太坊價格會下跌,也可以套用此例子。 如果以太坊的交易價格為 2,000 美元,而您預計它會跌至 1,500 美元,您可以做空(賣出)。 在 50 倍槓桿下,您的保證金同樣為 1/50 * 2,000 美元 * 25 = 1,000 美元。

如果以太坊價格達到 1,500 美元而您平倉,您的利潤是 500 x 25 = 12,500 美元。 但如果以太坊上漲了 40 美元,您將損失為此交易所承擔的全部風險,1,000 美元。


You can get a more accurate calculation of the margin requirement and your liquidation price in Bitcoin or USDT – on the deal ticket window of the Overbit trader.



Why trade Ethereum with Overbit

Overbit is a world-class exchange with a deep and liquid order book from our multiple global liquidity partners. Our traders enjoy fair market prices consolidated from the world’s top exchanges and are free from price manipulation. This means no single trader can manipulate prices on Overbit with large positions. At Overbit, you can trade Ethereum using your Bitcoin or USDT without the need of taking delivery of assets. We provide a wide range of features in leverage trading. On Overbit, you can trade Ethereum with up to 50X leverage. However, in order to limit your risk exposure, we employ advanced risk management measures. We allow you to open each position with your own margin preference (isolated margin or cross margin). Overbit recognizes and rewards community efforts by running one of the best affiliate programs from any crypto exchange. Users get rewarded in BTC or USDT for referring friends. This is unarguably the most rewarding cryptocurrency affiliate program in the world. As a way to incentivize the continued use of our exchange, we operate a tiered reward program. Traders get rewarded in Tier Points (TP) for trading. Once you reach 1,000 TP, you can swap for BTC or USDT. You never have to worry about the security of your funds on our exchange as we employ military-grade security to ensure customers’ funds are always safe. We segregate user funds to ensure they are protected, and stored in multi-signature cold wallets. If you ever need our support team, we offer 24/7 live chat support to all users.










Tier Points(TP)的積分系統,當您每次在交易,做活動或任務時都可以賺取TP,TP可以兌換BTC或USDT。




賺取高達 $120美元
